Printed Electronics Europe: Where Suppliers Meet End Users

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Printed Electronics Europe: Where Suppliers Meet End Users

An estimated 2,500 people will attend Printed Electronics Europe. It is the part of the world’s largest series of events on printed, flexible and hybrid electronics, which will be held on 11-12 April at the Estrel Convention Center in Berlin.

The unique focus of the event is to speed up the adoption of printed electronics by bringing together end users with suppliers across the value chain. Presentations from end users will cover their progress and use cases involving the technology, with speakers from a variety of global organizations representing different industry verticals including Beko, Johnson & Johnson, Cartamundi, Saati, Panasonic, Huawei, GE Healthcare and many more.

Green Guardee specialize in R&D, MP of OLED materials,  Our advantage products including the similar related compounds.

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